There's something fishy going on at the Farm...something a little creepy too...something TOTALLY new! After the success of TGF's Digital mermaid line last year, we've had some requests for rubber and we are PROUD to introduce "SYREN!"
I have to say that my all time favourite TGF Stamps are the Creepers, I don't know what it is, but I just Love them and Miss Syren is no exception! You can totally image her being a hit with the Mermen down in Creeper Town...hehe! And you know what, why wouldn'y she be, l mean look at her, she oozes Sassy and Attitude!

Just like her name, this sassy siren will be released on April 1st-TOMORROW, along with Surfer Anya, Daisy Sprout, and the HUGE "Creepin" set on a FULL-sheet of rubber! SO exciting! Be sure to check out the unveiling of TGF's new CHALLENGE TEAM on our new CHALLENGE BLOG! Can you say "I Love Farm Fresh Chellenges" Of course you can...hehe!
Also don't forget to come back tomorrow to for our BIG Rlease Day Blog Hop!