Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mad For Markers Wednesday meets Farmer Wayne!

 This is a card that I made for a good friend of ours who's birthday was last week! So I have named him Farmer Wayne. Now I have to admit that Male cards are not my strong point! I definitely feel more at home with bling and flowers and all that girly stuff, but I am happy with how this turned out. I got this gorgeous WOJ Farmer image from the lovely Tracy, thanks Tracy!

Now I saw this amazing grass tutorial over at the Color Me Copic Blog. If you have seen it you should go and check it out, Kim has done a fantastic job! 

Copic Colors Used
Grass-YG93, YG67, G14, G21, Y13
Sky - B000
Clothes - B91, B93, B95, B97, R24, R22, E40, E41, E25, E31, E35
Hair - YR31, YR23, Y21
Skin - E11, E00, E000, R20

Don't forget for all your Copic Marker needs go and visit Sammi over at the Mad For Markers store!

I just wanted to share this photo with you. Yesterday was my twins 4th Birthday. I can't believe that they are now 4. They went through so much when they were first born and now to see them as happy and healthy 4 year olds really makes each birthday that extra bit special. We had a great day, we went to the park and had chips and gravy for lunch and then the girls had their favourite lamb cutlets for tea and chocolate cake! Of course they were spoilt with some great presents...hehe!


  1. OMG - Look at those beautiful girls! They are gorgeous Em!
    And you card is pretty cute too! lol, I love the image and the colouring is amazing.

  2. Great card Em!! LOVE it! Awesome bloke card!
    and wow... such a LOVELY photo! LOVE it! The girls look beautiful!

  3. Great Male Card Emma, awesome colouring of the grass, must check that link out. Happy Birthday little ladies, beautiful photo, can't wait to see it in a scrap book layout, take careX:)

  4. Love your photo Emma! What gorgeous little girls! *hugz*

  5. OMG Em, your girls are Gorgeous, what a pair of sweeties. Happy 4th birthday sounds like you a very special day.
    Love your card Emma, fabulous colouring as always.Hugs xxxxx


Thank-you so much for taking the time to leave me some love! I love reading all your comments and it always makes my day!